Change to Opt-In in MyAnalytics

Since MyAnalytics is an “Opt-Out” feature in Office 365, some companies wants to change this behavour for their users, meaning that each users should enable this feature them self instead of the service being automatically enabled when users are created.

Changing settings in Office 365 to change this behavour:

Remove the three ticks on the MyAnalytics service window to change the default behavour for new users. removing these ticks will ensure that users need to “opt-in” their self by accessing “” and change settings there.

And in each user can ustomize their own MyAnalytics settings by opt-in or opt-out in the dashboard “”

Remove the service from each user forcing the users to enable the service themself

#Connect to Exchange Online with MFA
Import-Module $((Get-ChildItem -Path $($env:LOCALAPPDATA+"\Apps\2.0\") -Filter CreateExoPSSession.ps1 -Recurse ).FullName | Select-Object -Last 1) #download module from Exchange Online Admin Center under "hybrid" and using IE.
#Connect to Exchange Online
Connect-EXOPSSession -UserPrincipalName
#This will make sure when you need to reauthenticate after 1 hour that it uses existing token and you don't have to write password and stuff

#check what state the users is in today
Get-UserAnalyticsConfig –Identity

#Opt-out from service - users can opt-in again at 
Set-UserAnalyticsConfig –Identity -PrivacyMode Opt-out

#multiple opt-out
$privacyMode = "Opt-Out"

$users = Get-Mailbox *
ForEach ($user in $users)

Set-UserAnalyticsConfig –Identity $upn -PrivacyMode $privacyMode
Get-UserAnalyticsConfig –Identity $upn