Build failed! – doing .NET stuff
So this time I have done something that I usually don’t do.. I`m building software and trying to...

15. Juni – Office 365 UGA
Velkommen til nytt møte i UGA! Agenda: – “Siste nytt” 📰 fra styret, v MVP Thorbjørn Værp, MVP...

11. Mai – Azure Global Kristiansand
Thursday May 11th three cities in Norway is participating in Global Azure. All three locations are in-person event....

PIM Azure RBAC is easier!
Subscriptions Access Controll Privileged Identity Management Role Activation is expanded across several Azure portal pages. This makes it...

Authentication Context + Conditional Access + PIM
Table of Contents Description Setup of Authentication Context + Conditional Access + PIM Create a new Authentication context...

Staled Azure AD users
Table of content Background Pre-requisite Script content Conclution Background Have you ever thought “Do we have full controll...

Azure AD – Keep it clean and tidy
There are several reasons for keeping your Azure AD nice and tidy. Locking down features, removing unused objects...

How to keep up-to-date
So how do you keep yourself up to date on tech? This is a question I get a...

FIDO2 on break-the-glass = smart move!
We now have a new capability for choosing different MFA methods for a set of users using Conditional...