Change to Opt-In in MyAnalytics
Since MyAnalytics is an “Opt-Out” feature in Office 365, some companies wants to change this behavour for their...
Reset folder language to match Outlook Web Access language
So in the recent time i have been working with a customer to integrate Exchange Online mailboxes into...
OneDrive for Business – Known Folder Sync fails
When activating Known Folder Sync in OD4B the sync never starts due to folders that cannot be synced....
Keep private Teams private in Microsoft Teams
As of 23. of march 2018 all private teams will be searchable for all users. Users can then...
RDP Scaling on high resolution screens
I have been running on a Surface book for the last couple of weeks and is very satisfied...
Add Azure AD user local Administrator group
Open CMD as administrator and run the command: net localgroup administrators AzureAD\UserName /add
Change language – Office 365 Mailbox
To change the Language for a Office 365 mailbox (Exchange Online), run the following commands: $O365Session = New-PSSession...
Detect and uninstall hotfixes
There seem to be a broken patch KB3159398 which was released this Tuesday, it breaks GPO processing which can...
Enable/disable Office 365 serviceplans
I was asked today how you can disable and enable individual features included in an Office 365 license...